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Volunteer Job Descriptions - 2025 Updates in Process

See the Parent Handbook for a full list of job descriptions.

It is our goal to run a smooth and effective meet, so our swimmers and swim families have the best experience. In order to reach our goal, it is the Fulbrook Force policy that at least one member of every family on the team volunteer actively at every meet your child/children participate in. If this family volunteer obligation is not met, the swimmers in that family will not be allowed to register the following year during the returning swimmer registration. They will have to register during regular registration with new swimmers and be potentially placed on a waiting list. In addition, a financial penalty may be imposed.

At every meet, volunteers must sign in and out with the volunteer coordinator (This ensures that volunteers are fulfilling their requirements at each meet and each volunteer knows where to go). Everyone needs to help with set-up and break down of tents and equipment.

Tent Parents - 2 per age group needed at each meet

(Arrive 30 minutes before warm-up to sign in kids)

The age group parents sit with the age group assigned and keep track of swimmers during the meet. Only 6 & under parents are done at the halfway point. The other age groups are there for the duration of the meet. They check the swimmers in, line up swimmers for each event, escort swimmers to ready benches, and help put up and take down team tent. Parents are required sign-in and sign-out their kids to designated tent parent at home and away meets.

Referee/Meet Director (Home Meets Only)

WHALe/Preseason training IS required (Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet start time – until meet end)

The referee runs the meet and makes decisions based on the touch turn/stoke judge recommendations. The Referee is responsible for holding a meeting before the meet begins with all officials (timers, judges, etc…) and coaches to review meet procedures. The referee maintains good sportsmanship during the meet. The referee will be at the finish line to observe the finish and check with stroke and touch/turn judges for disqualifications. The referee keeps the meet running smoothly and quickly.

Console Operator

WHALe/Preseaon training IS required (Arrive 30 minutes prior to the meet warm-up time – stays until the meet ends)

The console operator will be using the team PC throughout the meet. The console operator will retrieve times from the wireless timers (and if necessary the event timing sheets) and score the meet using the Meet Manager program.

Starter (only at home meet)

The starter is only needed at home meets. The starter determines that all lanes are properly filled with eligible swimmers for the event and starts the race with an electronic starter. Determines that all swimmers properly begin the event, disqualifying swimmers for false starts. Attends annual league training clinic to be certified.

Stroke Judges – Fulbrook Force provides 6 judges per swim meet

(Arrive 30 minutes before warm-ups to attend judges' meeting. You will be assigned your lane.)

Determines if swimmer completed entire swim event according to league rules. Training every year for this job is mandatory. The training is online and takes about 2 hours.

Ready Bench -Fulbrook Force provides 6 at each swim meet (Arrive 30 minutes before warm-ups begin)

The ready bench volunteers receive the swimmers from the tent parents and line them behind the appropriate lane. You will make sure that the swimmers are in the appropriate order and in the appropriate lane. It is helpful to arrive early to be able to get to know the other ready bench volunteers as well as help set up ready benches at home meets.

Head Timers WHALe/Preseaon training IS required (Arrive 30 minutes prior to the warm-ups begin – Stay until the end of the meet)

The head timer will assign timers to lanes and will need to conduct a timer training (equipment use and review) during the timer meeting. The head timer will be responsible for ensuring that the times from the wireless timers are being correctly reported on the computer and that the digital timers are functioning properly. The head timer will also serve as a backup timer, starting 2 digital timers for each heat. The head timer will also collect the event timing sheet from each lane at the conclusion of each event and deliver them to the console operator. And, lastly, the head timer will organize relief for lane timer breaks as needed.

Timers  (Arrive 30 minutes before warm-ups begin)

Each timer volunteer will be assigned a lane. The wireless timer starts automatically with the start and ends when the timer hits "stop". There is also a digital timer that is started and stopped manually. That time is recorded on a sheet as a backup to the wireless timers. There is a timer meeting to attend approximately 15-20 minutes prior to the start of the meet.


The runner collects the timer sheets and takes them to the console operator.

Concession Stand (only at home meets)

Assists in the setup of the concession stand, preparing and selling of food. Helps pass out water to other meet volunteers as well.


(Arrive 30 minutes before warm-ups begin)

Place labels on appropriate ribbons, then distribute ribbons throughout the meet to tent parents.

Social Chairperson

Distribute water to Timers/Judges/coaches throughout the meet. Distribute ribbons to tent parents as needed.

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